Monday, March 13, 2017

Overall Conclusions

From my last post, the question can a child recover from a traumatic event during divorce arose to my mind. After doing my research about it, the answer is yes. Although children are more vulnerable to suffer from being traumatized, they are also able to recover faster.

I looked into the article by Help GuideCoping with Emotional and Psychological TraumaAuthors Lawrence Robinson, Melinda Smith, and Jeanne Segal came up with different strategies for children to help get over traumatic events.

Some ways to help your child recover from a traumatic experience is to limit media exposure, engage with your child spending one on one time, feed them a healthy diet and make sure they exercise daily, and rebuild your child’s trust and safety with you. If your child still isn’t better after six weeks, that it the time to get professional help. There are tons of therapists and counselors out there who have studied these kinds of things and know exactly what kind of techniques to use to help them.

After researching all of these questions it brought me to a big question, why do people get divorces anyways? What are the main causes of why majority of people get divorced?

I found interesting facts from the Divorce Help article Top Five Reasons Couples Divorce written by Brian Beltz. Beltz puts a lot of useful facts and interesting information in his article.

Beltz believes the number one cause of people getting divorces is lack of communication and investment to the marriage. Beltz finds information from the National Fatherhood Initiative that did research and supports his belief that “Seventy three percent of couples said that the main reason for dissolving their marriage was that one or both spouses became lazy and weren’t willing to work out their problems.” After that follows too much arguing, lack of communication, cheating is the root of 55% of marriages, and married too young is number five on the list. 

I wanted to back up Beltz information he found about communicating and lack of investment being the number one reason why parents get divorced so I did a narrow search and found the article The Number One Cause Of Divorce written by Kevin Thompson. I compared the two articles and found that they both agree that the number one cause for divorce is lack of commitment and investment. Thompson writes “Our affections often grow toward our investments. Wherever we put our time, money and energy also ends up receiving our passion, interest and affection.” Thompson adds in that praying for your spouse, kissing them hello and goodbye, checking in at least once a day, 5 minutes of interrupted conversation and hugging for at least 30 seconds a day will cause your love to grow and last.

My thinking has evolved a lot about how I feel about this topic. Starting off I was totally against divorce but after doing the research I think it is best to divorce after you have tried all you can to fix it, but in a civil manner so it will be as stress less to the children involved as possible. Some questions I still have about this topic is why do parents get lazy when it comes to fixing their marriage? Will there be even more divorces in the future or will there be less?



  1. I found the organization of your writing was very clear and well done. It was interesting to learn how to help a child recover, and the reasons behind divorce. I also want to know if divorces will rise or decline in the future. I agree that it is better to end a marriage rather than to continue on, in an uncivilized manner.
    -Kourtney (Andie) Pokorny

  2. I enjoyed reading your blog and learning about ways parents that are divorced can help their children recover. You listed all the way they can do to help them better, but also included that those ways didn’t work, they should get professional help. I also enjoyed that information you mentioned of the top five reasons why parents get divorced, that was interesting information. I do agree with that statistics about number one cause for divorce is lack of commitment and investment. Something you can add to your research is may be the number of kids that get traumatized after a divorce.

  3. I find it very interesting that 73% of couples say that the reason their marriage didn't work is due to their partner became lazy and didn't wanna put the effort in fixing thier marriage. I definitely agree that when helping a child recover , its important for them to form that special bond with their parents. I think its very important for the child to get involved in counseling if they can't seem to form that bond with their parents, because atleast they would have someone to express their feelings to and not keep it all inside. I like how you made it clear and easy to understand where you going on this topic. The thing I wonder is the child's point of view? How does the child view divorce? What goes on in their minds? I think it would be interesting to see that view point. But I really like how you explored different questions on your topic to see different possibilities instead of sticking to one question or side.
