Wednesday, March 1, 2017

How Does Divorce Effect Children?

I chose to write my exploratory blog on the effects of divorce on children and teens. I picked this topic because my parents got a divorce when I was five years old, so it's a topic that has really interested me and continues to interest me as I have married and have a baby of my own. 

Divorce destroys almost fifty percent of marriages nowadays, and people are more likely to be talking to someone who has been divorced than they are to someone who has been married to the same person their whole life. So why do people get divorced? Would the child be better off in the long run if the parents stayed married, or would it negatively affect them just the same if their parents were to stay together?

I feel like we do not live in a time when people fix things anymore. When things are broken they go get a new one. Parents and children have to go through the excruciating pains such as custody and financial battles. My parents’ divorce took a year to finalize, and to this day they do not speak to each other unless something traumatic happens or one of their kids gets sick and has to go to the hospital. My mom has struggled financially since she got divorced. When she was married, she did not have to worry about working or finances. It is hard to go through a situation like this, and having a parent who struggles financially can really take a toll on the children of a family with divorced parents. 

While looking at the toll it has taken on my life, it led me to wonder how divorce affects other lives.  And what can we do to prevent divorce from affecting children negatively? Another question I have is what are all the negative effects of divorce on children?

I will look up my questions using books that have to do with divorce and their effects on children. I will also look up my question using the library website, where there seemed to be good information.


  1. Coming from your own experience, you have first-hand knowledge about this topic. You’re absolutely right that divorce is more and more common these days. I do wonder about the parents’ happiness. Is it a healthier environment for the parents to be divorced and happy or stay together for the kids always fighting or unhappy? Another question I have is what the divorce rate of kids with divorced parents is? This sounds like a good topic for you to research about, Michelle!

  2. Your topic you chose to pick for blog is interesting. And I can also relate to your blog my parents are divorced as well. I like how you explain and give examples of what a child can go through when parents get a divorce. I found so interesting how you mentioned that divorce is more common now than back then. I like how you bring up the question of if parents were to stay together just for their children, that makes me think a lot about your topic. Question you can add to your blog is, are parents staying together for their kids a good idea? Or is it a bad idea?
    I agree that divorce now is way more common than it was back then.

  3. I really like how you connected your topic to your own personal experience , I think it provides more of deeper affect in your writing. I would agree, when you said that its more common to meet a person who has been through a divorce vs. someone who is happily married , especially nowadays. But the question Ihave is what your research question exactly is? Like, you provide lots or questions on what potentially you would like to know more about. But what question are you leaning towards more on? I would just suggest for you to know what question you want to research, so you can make it clear on what point your trying to make and your point of view on the question. But in general, I like how your provided examples of what actually takes part in a divorce like custody battles and financial battles and how they could possibly affect the children or teens.

  4. Your blog is on an interesting topic, and is organized well. I would like to know more about the process of divorce. Is there statistics on behavior, academics, or other results of divorced parents? What kinds of negativity may results from divorced parents? I agree that divorce is not good for the family.
    - Kourtney (Andie) Pokorny
